quarta-feira, 20 de junho de 2012

DogMendonça e PizzaBoy na Dark Horse

The Amazing Adventures of DogMendomça & PizzaBoy de Filipe Melo e Juan Cavia, publicado pela Dark Horse já está a venda no site da Amazon.

"Dur­ing World War II, all the super­nat­ural crea­tures sought refuge in Por­tu­gal. Vam­pires, were­wolves, gar­goyles, and ghosts all live peace­fully, in the shad­ows, along­side humans. How­ever, under­ground, the worst of all mon­sters pre­pares his come­back. A young pizza deliv­ery boy, a mid­dleaged were­wolf, a six thou­sand year old demon, and the sev­ered head of a gar­goyle will be the only ones capa­ble of fac­ing the forces of evil that threaten mankind." 

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