sexta-feira, 20 de setembro de 2013


Ian McDonald
Everness Series

Everness é uma série concebida por Ian McDonald lançada em 2012, que conta com dois volumes publicados e um terceiro será publicado em 2014. A história tem mistério, aventura, muitas engenhocas e será possível viajar no multiverso e conhecer Terras paralelas. O conceito é interessante e as capas são fabulosas. E o autor virá a Portugal já em Novembro, por isso toca a ler os livros do senhor.

Planesrunner (2012)
There is not one you. There are many yous. There is not one world. There are many worlds. Ours is one among billions of parallel earths.

When Everett Singh’s scientist father is kidnapped from the streets of London, he leaves young Everett a mysterious app on his computer. Suddenly, this teenager has become the owner of the most valuable object in the multiverse—the Infundibulum—the map of all the parallel earths, and there are dark forces in the Ten Known Worlds who will stop at nothing to get it. They’ve got power, authority, the might of ten planets—some of them more technologically advanced than our Earth—at their fingertips. He’s got wits, intelligence, and a knack for Indian cooking.

To keep the Infundibulum safe, Everett must trick his way through the Heisenberg Gate that his dad helped build and go on the run in a parallel Earth. But to rescue his dad from Charlotte Villiers and the sinister Order, this Planesrunner’s going to need friends. Friends like Captain Anastasia Sixsmyth, her adopted daughter, Sen, and the crew of the airship Everness.

Can they rescue Everett’s father and get the Infundibulum to safety? The game is afoot!

Be My Enemy (2013)
Everett Singh has escaped with the Infundibulum from the clutches of Charlotte Villiers and the Order, but at a terrible price.

His father is missing, banished to one of the billions of parallel universes of the Panoply of All World.

And Everett and the crew of the airship Everness have taken a wild, random Heisenberg Jump to a random parallel plane.

Everett is smart and resourceful and from a frozen earth far beyond the Plenitude plans to rescue his family.

But the villainous Charlotte Villiers is one step ahead of him.

Empress of the Sun (2014)
The airship Everness makes a Heisenberg Jump to an alternate Earth unlike any her crew has ever seen. Everett, Sen, and the crew find themselves above a plain that goes on forever in every direction without any horizon. There they find an Alderson Disc, an astronomical megastructure of incredibly strong material reaching from the orbit of Mercury to the orbit of Jupiter.

Then they meet the Jiju, the dominant species on a plane where the dinosaurs didn't die out. They evolved, diversified, and have a twenty-five million year technology head-start on humanity. War between their kingdoms is inevitable, total and terrible.

Everness has jumped right into the midst of a faction fight between rival nations, the Fabreen and Dityu empires. The airship is attacked, but then defended by the forces of the Fabreen, who offers theEverness crew protection. But what is the true motive behind Empress Aswiu's aid? What is her price?

The crew of the Everness is divided in a very alien world, a world fast approaching the point of apocalypse.

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